Wednesday, March 18, 2009

call stack without words


Liviu said...

Great image, it sums up the inner workings quite well.
I see no references i.e. bibliography for the image, which I consider useful for further reading.

Sinziana said...

The image "is self explaining" again?
Ar fi bune totusi niste explicatii in mare :)

Daniel Băluță said...

gcc -S yourfile.c
cat yourfile.s , voila.

there's no need for bibliography , the image its hand made.


try harder. and you'll understand.
this is the meaning of proofs without words.

Sinziana said...

Imaginea nu e un "comics", ca sa nu necesite un minimum de explicatii. Sau e?:)
Oricum, e faina. Felicitari. In ce ai facut-o?

P.S. Daca tot e "hand made", pune-i drepturi de autor.